May 25, 2009

Chapter 4: Revelations (Pt.4)

Ryan led the group, barreling at full speed. The others struggled to keep up with him except Tracy, who looked like he was holding back. There was barely a comment between the four. The events had left the majority of them in deep stress. Michael, though he honored Peter's sacrifice, had not known him long enough to feel a strong connection to his recent passing. Tracy hid his emotions well and Ryan tried his best. Greg, however, still remained impassive, even with the burning wind drying out their faces.

"Slow," Ryan yelled over the roar of the wind. The group began to ease up on their speed, and they came to a stop over a musky building. The structure was set in a plus sign shape. Broken windows and dirty curtains hung loosely from squares bored into the walls. The door was rotted from the core out; as Michael stooped low to examine it, bugs sprouted from makeshift burrows inside the old wood. He yelped. Ryan hit him playfully then walked through the door. Michael followed hesitantly, and the other two brought up the rear.

Michael dropped his mouth in awe. Inside this building lay another one. It had the same design and was a bit smaller to fit between the space. Instead of a broken down appearance, this one had an almost well-polished sheen to it. The walls of the plus-sign were made of some metal unknown to Michael. He followed Ryan as he phased through the southern end of the structure.

A grandfather clock met his gaze. It stood in the center with an ever-wandering pendulum that swung back and forth, back and forth. He could not decipher the time. Ryan turned to face Michael, a smug look on his face. "This is our home-base. Peter found it one day, and out of the blue, decided to name it our home. The four directions this structure points to represents one thing each." He pointed to where East should be facing. "Greg has taken his spot there. To the east is where the sun rises each morning, bringing hope for all who can see its glorious rays. Greg was categorized there by Peter, wishing that Greg's own hopes would be realized. All Soul Angels were given a direction; for what reason we do not know. And we might not soon, now that Peter..." He coughed. Ryan turned around to point where the West room was.

"There stands Tracy. The sun sets in the West, representing an end to all good things with the silent promise of a new beginning. Tracy has a past he has not shared with anyone except Peter - he still has not revealed it, even to me. I made a mistake using my powers to delve into Peter's mind to gain Greg's secret, so I dare not steal another." Ryan faced North.

"The North and the South directions were always the most controversial. He told us the story of how he spent his days before anyone else had been created like himself to explain them. It goes as such, though I may miss some parts."

'On the coldest mountain I would find myself. Often did I hide here when my mind wandered. The chill was bitter and the temperature was freezing. I always wondered about the strange metallic attraction here. It seems that magnetism, as the humans have so recently discovered the term, affects both humans and us beings. Those who master the North and the South in knowledge not power, differentiating sides but one in the same, will fully understand the trouble I predict for my kind.'

Ryan cleared his throat. "It made no sense to me. Perhaps you can figure it out. Magnets? I didn't know Peter liked playing with petty toys. Peter left me with great knowledge, about 400 years ago, about who was classified in the North and South. This place wasn't always just for the Soul Angels, ya know. Hearties spent their time here with us. Peter cast the Hearties into the North and the SA's into the South. Maybe that story has something to do with our problem now," He laughed. "Nonetheless, since you are the Peacemaker, stay in the North for me. I belong here in this section. Surno will be here shortly; if I am not mistaken, he may have more SA's for you to meet." Michael brooded over the story, feebly trying to decipher it. He walked past the grandfather clock, brushing a hand by it before leaving the center. He stood eagerly in the north section, staring across the hallway at Ryan.

The clock chimed loudly. Once, twice, three times. Michael took in a deep breath. Once, twice, three times again. He exhaled explosively.

The clock let out its seventh chime. Surno dropped down from the ceiling, scanning the filled four directions. Ryan opened his mouth to speak. "Surno, have you heard-"

"Not the time." Ryan scratched at his head, feeling foolish. He did not twitch as another Soul Angel walked casually through the wall and stood beside him. Two others followed; four SA's awaited patiently in the South. Five joined the East. One joined the West. Michael, feeling a bit out-of-place, shifted uneasily. Surno looked at the people present, nodding his head in satisfaction.

"Two days left." His voice echoed to all four sections. Michael detected a hint of... was that unease in his voice? Surno couldn't be showing emotion, could he? He watched intently as Surno brought a hand to his throat, coughing violently. "Greg. Peter would have wanted it." He motioned for him to come closer. Greg, confused, reluctantly drew near to Surno. The masked man gestured for him to hold out his palm. Greg did so, and Surno slapped something into his hand. Greg slyly looked down, mumbling something in return. Surno shook his head. "You have to be," he said loudly. "Souls present today. Spread the news when we have the time. Greg, by order of Peter, is the new Lead Soul. He wanted it this way." Surno bowed his head. He then brought his head closer to Greg's, softly whispering. The other being nodded.

Surno phased through the ceiling. Greg turned to see a smiling Ryan. The grin brought him ease, and he breathed deeply. "Everything we have worked for is about to be set off in two days, people. I know the weaker Soul Angels are in the havens we have prepared. We, the elite, the last hope of an era of peace between our brethren, are all that we have. This is our one shot. If we fail, then humanity will fall with us when they are left in the worthless hands of the Heart Angels. Michael, who stands alone in the North direction, belongs there. He is both a Heart and Soul - Tracy, please don't start singing - both a Heart and Soul Angel. The Peacemaker is his true title. Since Peter has... passed, and I have been designated to be in his place, you all deserve to hear this."

Greg bowed his head low. "Michael, the Peacemaker, must be taken care of. Peter sacrificed his own life to set a protection around his beloved human. I am not saying this to express anger, Michael," He lifted his chin to stare at him. "I do not mean ill intent. Allow me one more statement before you are all dismissed. I am a Heart Angel. Peter held the secret safe for me. A leader should have no secrets of his own, but only hold others' most personal thoughts. I share mine with you today. Entrust in me the same way you trusted Peter, if not better. We honor his memory everyday. Let us fulfill this plan and say it all in his name." A chorus of wings flapping and idle chatter buzzed for a few moments, and soon everyone was gone. Ryan and Tracy had left as well. Michael stood alone in the North end. His gaze rested on Greg's head buried in his hand. The soft sound of sobbing whispered in the echoing room.

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